Our Mission...
is to empower individuals, organizations & communities to eliminate racism
Racism hurts us all
A basic tenet of Antiracist Riverside is that white supremacy and systemic racism hurt everyone. It is, of course, most harmful to those most directly impacted - people of color. But all Americans are damaged and their lives diminished.
This country was built on a belief that some groups of people are superior and others inferior, and therefore it is acceptable to exploit their labor and devalue their lives. This belief in the hierarchy of human value has made it possible to forcibly transport and enslave Africans, eradicate entire Native American peoples through war, disease, and forced integration, allow Mexican laborers to work in our fields at sub-minimum wages and in inhumane conditions, and to import Chinese experts in citrus agriculture and exploit their expertise while making some of the biggest fortunes in the U.S.
We are committed to taking on and dismantling the hierarchy of human values that has stopped our country from living up to its most cherished, stated values. In Riverside, we are working on a variety of issues to uncover how systemic racism operates, and how the City and its residents can make transformative change. At the local level, we are leaning into and amplifying the strengths of our multiracial democracy.
This page provides information, resources, links to effective organizations, and tips for how to live proudly as an Antiracist Riversider. Check back regularly for updated information.
Land Acknowledgement
Antiracist Riverside would like to acknowledge and recognize our responsibility to the original and current stewards of the land where the work that we do is located:
The Cahuilla, Tongva, Luiseño, and Serrano peoples.
Upcoming Events
Antiracist Riverside would like to keep you updated about the various meetings, events, and activities that are happening around the City of Riverside. We invite you to attend ARR meetings, Candid Conversations, TRHT Workshops, and other events hosted by our organization.
ARR will also use this calendar to highlight events presented by our partners and supporters.
The calendar will also inform you about meetings, events, and activities coordinated by City of Riverside organizations, such as:
City Council,
County Board of Supervisors,
Riverside and Alvord Unified School Districts,
various Task Forces
that address issues related to racism.
If you would like ARR to include your event on our calendar, please email antiracistriverside@gmail.com for review.
Our Impact
One example
Winter 2021: After hours on Zoom in break-out rooms, members of Antiracist Riverside added suggestions and additions to the City of Riverside Strategic Plan. The group looked specifically for not only wording around equity, diversity, and inclusion, but also the ways in which data could track impact and outcomes.
After sending the suggestions to the City Manager, the Mayor and Council Members, we received this news: “The City would like Antiracist Riverside to work with City staff on the Operational Workplan recommendations!”

Our Partners